[TangerineSDR] Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 04-06-2020

Tom McDermott tom.n5eg at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 22:16:22 EDT 2020

Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 04-06-2020

1. Discussion on magnetometer needs and prototype plans. For deployment,
thin aluminum (or perhaps copper?) may be suitable to provide good
electrical shielding with limited magnetic impact. How much (if any)
electrical shielding is needed has not yet been determined, and awaits
further testing.

For characterization of the design a [high-mu material shield / Helmholtz
coil] may be used to try and provide a very low magnetic field inside the
characterization enclosure. The low magnetic field condition would be used
to isolate the noise content of the sensor.

2. The team generally agreed to do a prototype run of 10 magnetometers
(this consists of 20 boards: 10 local extenders + 10 remote units holding
the actual magnetometer).  The extender board that Scotty is laying out can
be strapped for either local or remote use. Scotty will get a cost estimate
for the 20 assembled boards. To this will need to be added the cost of 10
magnetometer plug-on assemblies.

3. The current plan for DE to Local Host is for 1024 samples per frame.
This is 8192 bytes plus overhead. This requires jumbo frame support on the
DE, the local host, and any switches in between. The R-PI-4 has hardware
support for jumbo frames but (currently? or previously?) lacks driver
support. The Odroid N2 apparently supports jumbo frames based on reports.

-- Tom, N5EG
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