[TangerineSDR] Question about Personal Space WX functionality

Engelke, Bill bill.engelke at ua.edu
Wed Sep 25 11:53:49 EDT 2019

Hello Ward - here is a topic that came up in discussions at the DCC in Detroit, about the functionality of the Personal Space Weather station (in particular, the Tangerine SDR).
(Sorry if you got this twice, I inadvertently sent it first from the wrong email account).

For phase 1, we're putting our emphasis on functions that will scientists to characterize Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (i.e., observing Doppler shift in WWV, etc.)

Perhaps you could help us identify some other functionalities that could be added to make the system more appealing to hams. Examples we can think of already include:

  *   Copying & reporting FT8 stations heard on up to 8 bands (to PSK Reporter and/or to local tracking)
  *   Copying & reporting WSPR stations heard (to WSPRNet and/or local)
  *   Watching for a selected station or stations to appear on the air and notifying the user by text message (or something like that)
  *   Monitoring the noise level and/or total energy on a band to watch for when it opens or when certain types of noise become present

Can you think of others?  Also, do we need to somehow poll the ham community to see what other ideas people might have?

(Sorry if someone else already asked you about this, it wasn't clear to me who was supposed to contact you; but I am writing the Functional Specification, so I need to know anyway).

Please let me know your thoughts - tnx es 73-  Bill Engelke AB4EJ

W. D. Engelke (Bill), Asst. Research Engr.
Center for Advanced Public Safety
Cyber Hall
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Desk: (205) 348-7244
Mobile: (205) 764-3099

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