[TangerineSDR] Local Host Functional Specification, Version 0.1

Tom McDermott tom.n5eg at gmail.com
Sun May 12 09:52:38 EDT 2019

Hi Bill - thanks for generating the spec.  It's good to see various pieces
of the project starting
to get documentation. It's a nice document.  Can I borrow the nice HAMSCI
and TAPR logos?

Here are some comments on the spec - it may be too early to address most of
them (perhaps
put them in the parking lot and get back to them later?).

1.User Interface.  Would it be useful to have an optional status /
eye-candy display
of space weather, propagation, or measurements?   This might be a selling
point for people to acquire a PSWS. Would it need to download something
from the central server to do this?

2. Does the system need a way to do unattended recovery / restart?  Once the
system has been configured for unattended operation and measurement, should
the system have a GUI settable configuration to enable the ability to auto
discover radios, program them to the current observational needs
(frequency, band,
etc.), and establish server reporting?  Essentially, get back to what it
was doing
before power failed, or the node was rebooted, etc.

3. One of the key issues will be the time required to upload data to the
server. For example:  a dual-receiver 8-band 192 ks/s 15-minute observation
be about 20 GB of data. Assuming a 1 Mbit/s upload speed it would take
about 2 days
to upload (assuming near 100% efficiency).  During that upload the 24-hour
would be over-written.

4. Could the data to be uploaded to the server be compressed effectively?
compression might not achieve much reduction in data size.  Lossy
compression might
obscure science data. Can the SBC compress data while doing other tasks
about CPU performance).

5. Should Gnuradio support be optional?  It is a lot of overhead, there may
lower-resource approaches to data processing.  Does Gnuradio have
issues for long-running / continuous tasks?

-- Tom, N5EG

On Sat, May 11, 2019 at 12:46 PM Engelke, Bill <bill.engelke at ua.edu> wrote:

> See attached, first draft of Functional Spec for the Local Host (SBC).
> Hope to discuss at Dayton.
> -73- Bill AB4EJ
> W. D. Engelke (Bill), Asst. Research Engr.
> Center for Advanced Public Safety
> Cyber Hall
> The University of Alabama
> Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
> Desk: (205) 348-7244
> Mobile: (205) 764-3099
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