[TangerineSDR] PSWS System Specification preliminary Ver 0.1

Lyle Johnson kk7p4dsp at gmail.com
Thu May 2 12:28:24 EDT 2019

Hello Tom!

Is there a document that describes the Space Weather Station System so I 
can more easily see where the weather station fits into the overall 
scheme of things?

5. RF Module

I worry about pluggable filter modules because that implies custom stuff 
and thus a need for someone to design it/them. Still, an external filter 
module (small Hammond or other shielded box with 50-ohm in and out) 
could always be used so this is probably a Good Thing to include.

Not sure what 88 dB dynamic range for directly sampled signals means.  A 
perfect 14 bit ADC would have about 84 dB raw dynamic range.  The 
LTC2208, still one of the best 16-bit ADCs I think, has an effective 
number of bits of just under 13 (12.6 is the number I've seen) though 
the spec sheet claims a Spurious  Free DR of 100 dB.

7. Host Computer

Since the magnetometer specification is so vague, and since it only 
needs to be processed once per second (and I assume a few microseconds 
or even milliseconds of uncertainty in that sampling would have 
negligible impact) I suspect the host computer is much better suited to 
collect and format the data.  If the interface is some standard thing 
easily implemented by a standard FPGA library (like a SPI or SPI port) 
then the FPGA could gather the raw samples.

Hopefully a magnetometer thingy can be located that meets whatever the 
needs are for it, that is already equipped with an interface that can be 
read by a PC over a standard interface.


Just some initial thoughts,


On 5/2/19 7:47 AM, Tom McDermott via TangerineSDR wrote:
> Attached in PDF format is a very preliminary system specification for 
> the Personal Space Weather Station (PSWS).
> There are lots of open issues and questions at this point, the 
> document tries to highlight a few of the key ones.
> It would be nice to have several sets of eyeballs look this over 
> before we advance it any further.
> -- Tom, N5EG
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