[TangerineSDR] Web Site Problem

John Ackermann N8UR jra at febo.com
Thu Jul 18 13:08:18 EDT 2019

I renewed the certificates last night.  If tangerinesdr.com throws a
warning, try www.tangerinesdr.com -- for some reason, the attempted
auto-renewal failed on tangerinesdr.com even though it's just an alias
for www.tangerinesdr.com.  I think I was able to manually get the
certificate issued for both domains.

As background, we use "LetsEncrypt" which is an open source SSL
certificate project.  The certificates are free and reliable, but they
only issue for 90 days at a time.  They should automatically renew but
if there's a configuration problem for one domain, the renewal fails for
all the domains on that certificate.

This only applies to the web and ftp servers.  The mailing list is run
on a different machine over which we have no control, and uses certs
obtained by our service provider.


On 7/18/19 12:38 PM, W2GPS via TangerineSDR wrote:
> All,
> The TAPR and TangerineSDR web sites have an expired Let’s Encrypt
> certificate as of ‎July ‎17, ‎2019 3:27:22 PM. This makes them hard to
> access.
> Rick

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