[psr-announce] Summer 2017 issue of TAPR PSR is now available

Stan Horzepa stanzepa at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 29 20:37:05 EDT 2017

The Summer 2017 issue of TAPR PSR is now available at 

Table of Contents of the Summer 2017, #135 issue of TAPR PSR:

President’s Corner

DCC Papers

DCC Schedule

Directors Election

The Latest from TAPR…

TAPR Board Meeting Minutes

Hamvention TAPR Video Online

Packer Travel in Poland and Slovakia

East Coast BearNet 9600 Baud Packet Backbone

TAPR Wear Available

Write Here!

On the Net

The Fine Print

Our Membership App

By the way, your PSR editor is now accepting contributions for the next 
issue of PSR. November 1, 2017 is the deadline for submissions; send 
your submissions to wa1lou at tapr.org

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