[psr-announce] Call for articles for PSR

Stan Horzepa stanzepa at sbcglobal.net
Sun Mar 1 17:02:31 EST 2015

Your PSR editor is looking for a few good writers, particularly ham 
radio operators working on the digital side of our hobby, who would like 
to write about
their activities and have them published here in PSR. You don’t have to 
be Hiram Percy Maxim to contribute to PSR and you don’t have to use 
Microsoft Word to compose your thoughts.

The PSR editorial staff can handle just about any text and graphic 
format, so don’t be afraid to submit whatever you have to 
wa1lou at tapr.org. The deadline for the next issue of PSR is April 15, so 
write early and write often.

If PSR publishes your contribution, you will receive an extension to 
your TAPR membership or if you are not a member, you will receive a TAPR 

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