<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div>Hello all,<br></div>this is Claudio (IZ2FER) from Milan, Italy.<br></div><br>I am running JNOS-2.0j.7v on a Raspberry Pi 2 with no problems at all.<br>So, first of all, thank you everybody for keeping it "alive".<br></div><br>I have opened recently the HTTP port and it seems to work quite well.<br>Unfortunately I found many "errno 107 reading from mbox", basically one every session closing.<br></div><br>Here follows an example from the logfile (login with user/passwd, then command "B" - is the fake JNOS IP):<br><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><br>18:25:50Â <a href=""></a> - hvs connect<br>18:25:50Â - MBOX (iz2fer) browser login<br>18:25:50Â - MBOX (iz2fer) open<br>18:25:54Â <a href=""></a> - hvs disconnect<br>18:26:03Â <a href=""></a> - hvs connect<br>18:26:03Â - MBOX (iz2fer) exit<br>18:26:03Â - errno 107 reading from mbox<br>18:26:03Â - left mailbox_to_file, errno 107<br>18:26:05Â <a href=""></a> - hvs disconnect<br><br></div><div>- This error does not show up for regular telnet nor radio sessions.<br></div><div>- There is not any mail left in the spool for the user.<br></div><div>- This error shows up even with new callsigns, which have never logged in before.<br></div><div>- /jnos/spool/access.www exists and it is empty<br></div><div>- /jnos/www/root.htm exists and it is empty<br></div><div><br></div><div>I don't know if this is this a known issue or some kind of misconfiguration, do you have any idea ?<br></div><div>Thank you and keep up the good work.<br><br></div><div>73, Claudio IZ2FER.<br></div><div><br><br></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>