Hi All,<br><br>I've recently started playing with the AXUI command for sending and receiving "unproto" frames. It seems to work great when it comes to sending what I type, but not quite as great when it comes to displaying the UI frames that arrive on the AX.25 interface. <br>
<br>I participated in a local packet net this evening, and the only way I was able to know when the NCS called for my callsign suffix was by running "tail -f" against the trace file. I did see some of the NCS's UI-frames in the AXUI session window, but by far not all of them. Comparing what I'm seeing in the trace output for the AX.25 interface to
what I'm seeing in the AXUI session window, I'd say that the session
window is only displaying 20-30% of the UI frames actually received.<br><br>I haven't been able to work out what it is that determines whether a particular received UI frame will or will not show up in the AXUI session window (although I admit I only spent about half an hour eyeballing the trace file, haven't done any kind of exhaustive analysis of all the frames it contains, and haven't dug into the code of axui.c).<br>
<br>Wondering if anyone else has experienced this kind of behavior, and/or would have a plausible theory about what's going on.<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>Michael, KI6TYV<br>-- <br>This cat is pushing a watermelon out of a lake. Your argument is invalid.<br>