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Good day - I am looking over a topic...<BR>
I find that the regular practice in configuration for jnos is to equate service to an (arbitrary?) SSID.<BR>
Local examples for this is the use of -1 for BBS per the book "Packet Radio" and -4 for BBS per mi-drg organization.<BR>
Same service - different SSID.<BR>
Other examples suggest -7 for NET-ROM within the same config that offers BBS on -1, and -10? for APRS, (etc).<BR>
I find from experimentation that all services may be offered on a single SSID.<BR>
My experiment may be faulty without my knowledge, but my use of -1 for all services and ports seems healthy to date.<BR>
This seems to this writer to be as it "should be"...<BR>
It seems natural that each instance of jnos (or other software solution) be given a separate SSID.<BR>
Thus as I expand to three stations at home, car, and boat, that I might well select -1, -2, and -3, for SSIDs.<BR>
Also it seems that using SSID to segregate service (or port) introduces complication without benefit.<BR>
Speaking of complication: I count one call with eight SSIDs on one frequency in my neighborhood - perhaps 2 or (maybe 3?) installations.<BR>
It seems to sort out which SSID to use represents extra work for packet users...<BR>
So I turn to this community for help, and I pose the questions:<BR>
Is there a benefit to configure multiple SSIDs for a single instance of jnos?<BR>
Is there a compelling reason to continue the practice of multiple SSIDs in setting up one station?<BR>
If you have thoughts on this topic, thanks (in advance) for adding to body of knowledge on this reflector...<BR>
de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k