[nos-bbs] JNOS Winlink RMS - Set frequency advertised
ve3clg at yahoo.ca
Sun Jan 12 17:32:03 EST 2025
I do not know what and how.AT the chat when i use /p i get many calls and this at the end ..Looks something is not working well.Some times i get all last 3 connect is failed.Any way at the xrperss winlink when i try to use let say Packet, i see my call there.But i do not see it at the winling when i login there in the map.I see it on RMS map .73s Gus ve3clg
ser VE3CLG
Nodes via BALCHT(0) - BALCHT
Links Defined:
SV1CMG-12 Connect failed
VE3KPG-11 Open RTT 1
PI1ZTM-2 Open RTT 1
VE3CLG-3 Connect failed
VA3BAL-13 Open RTT 1
VE3LNZ-11 Connect failed
On Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 04:19:59 p.m. EST, Boudewijn (Bob) Tenty <bob at tenty.ca> wrote:
I have the feeling that it is a json script what is send (embedded in the usual http exchange format) as that is used in rmsgw to list the call, ports, password, etc.,
also the software release and version are exchanged. The server and port what they use to exchange this information is: api.winlink.org, port 80.
Above is the correct server / port to exchange this as G8BPQ's examples lists two different host names and ports at the WL2KREPORT line of bpq32.cfg at different pages,
one is an old one what was in use before as it seems, as I can't connect to it. Hopefully this information exchange will be embedded in jnos eventually as it is not only that
you are not at the list at the Winlink website, but they may block your access after a while if you are not registered as a Gateway. I did set up a lot of these servers and it did happen
to me a couple of months ago and that was the first time that they did block me. Winlink is becoming more strict with this if they feel you are Gateway in my opinion.
Boudewijn (Bob) VE3TOK
On 1/12/25 10:19, Andrew - K1YMI wrote:
> Hay Maiko,
> So in order to stay listed as an available RMS gateway you need to report home (every 30 mins possibly). If you don't send the updates you never appear on the list that you get on Winlink express, PAT etc that shows you the nearest gateway to your location.
> Click on "RMS List" and then select "packet" here - https://www.winlink.org/RMSChannels and you'll see the list I am talking about.
> G8BPQ has a nice primer here - https://www.cantab.net/users/john.wiseman/Documents/WL2KReporting.html
> There's an example here with this project < https://github.com/nwdigitalradio/rmsgw > that has some scripts that run every 30 mins to update winlink.org. (rmsgw_aci & 'updatesysop.py)
> But basically there's a blob of data sent to api.winlink.org every x mins that includes "Callsign, Locator, Hours, Freq, Mode, Power, Ant Height, Ant Gain, Ant Direction"
> If you are not changing modes and frequencies... this sounds like a simple script run by an AT command or even just a cronjob. But I am probably over simplifying things.
> Andrew
> On 1/12/25 08:48, maiko at pcsinternet.ca wrote:
>> Hey Andrew,
>>> How do you set the gateway frequency advertised to winlink?
>> What do you mean ? Can you be more specific please.
>> Maiko
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