[nos-bbs] forwarding error -how to fix?

Gustavo Ponza g.ponza at tin.it
Tue Feb 11 14:10:54 EST 2025

On 2/11/25 18:23, jerome schatten wrote:
> OK thank you Gus!
> Setting pilinbpq so that it 'allows binary' solves the error problem. Getting rid of '!' in the jnos forward bbs file made no difference. I presume that setting pilinbpq to allow B1 would do the same.


Fortunately, the '!' is not recognized by JNOS2...
Many many thing are changed since the old DOS or
old linux versions: very TNX to Maiko!

So the correct form of 'forward.bbs' is:

netrom assbbs

> My original intent was to have poo forward to ass in plain text (uncompressed). I know how to do that with bpq, but I apparently do not know how to make jnos do that. Some really old jnos2 docs indicated that '!' in the commands section of the forward.bbs file would force plain text forward from jnos.


> Right now Poo's ID: [JNOS-2.0p.5-B1FHIM$] and ASS's ID: [BPQ-$] and that works with no errors. So, as an academic question (consistent with 'non multa, sed multum') - how do you force jnos forward uncompressed?
> Best regards,
> jerome

Just switching off the FBB style, the JNOS2 will
function in the original WA7MBL style (clear text).
But you can back to 1980 years... :)
However, you may obtain the above by setting:

mbox fbb 0

73 and ciao, gustavo i0ojj/ir0aab/ir0eq
non multa, sed multum

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