[nos-bbs] jnos and conspy

Mark Herson, N2MH n2mh at n2mh.net
Mon May 20 16:00:45 EDT 2024

Hello to all on the list

I have jnos [JNOS-2.0o.2-IHM$] running in a proxmox vm. It seems to be 
doing nicely. However, when I access the jnos console with conspy 
(version 1.16 2020-08-19) the number of rows in jnos exceeds the window 
size in conspy. And, since jnos is running in a vm, I have no chance of 
attaching a monitor. Even if I could, I am 600 miles away remotely 
administering the machine.

I start jnos with jnos -c80 -r24 but that doesn't seem to help any.

I start conspy with conspy -g 80x25 7 and get back the conspy version 
information: conspy: version 1.16 2020-08-19. conspy never goes into a 
screen so I see nothing.

Are there any tricks to getting this to work right?

Yes, I might be a version or two behind in jnos, so I will upgrade if 
necessary. The conspy version is what is standard in my version of 
debian 11.7.

Any thoughts on the matter?

Thanks and 73, Mark, N2MH
MeshPhone: 973-2111
MeshMail: n2mh @ n2mh-mailhub.local.mesh

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