[nos-bbs] Fwd: About SMTP headers in HF forwarding

Maiko Langelaar (Personal) maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Wed Jul 31 11:37:49 EDT 2024

Are you guys confusing smtp headers with R: line ?

    jnos> mbox header

Default is off if I am not mistaken.


On 7/31/24 07:11, Chris Maness wrote:
> For some reason I am getting SMTP headers for AX.25 bulls.  I have
> MBOX SMTPTOO OFF as I understand that controls this feature.  Any
> suggestions as to why they would still show up on my outbound bulls?
> I have folks complaining about them.
> Thanks,
> 73 de Chris KQ6UP
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Chuck Gelm NC8Q <nc8q-aredn at gelm.net>
> Date: Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 3:21 AM
> Subject: About SMTP headers in HF forwarding
> To: Chris Maness KQ6UP <christopher.maness at gmail.com>
> Hi, Chris:
> On 05-Jul-2024 you sent:
> "From: KQ6UP
> Type/Status: BF
> Date/Time: 05-Jul 15:47Z
> Bid: 2371_W6TJ
> ...
> To  : PACKET at USA
>> Thus, for all packet traffic, no smtp-style headers will be seen or forwarded. I would suggest that Chris set this configurat
> io
>> n parameter this way also.
>> 73, Mark, N2MH
>> MeshPhone: 973-2111
>> MeshMail: n2mh at n2mh-mailhub.local.mesh
> I have this set to OFF, but they still come through for some reason.  I
> am not going to worry about it too much.  If/when I do HF BBS forwarding
> for regular packet, that stuff will go out BPQ32 not JNOS.  In that case
> the point of fussing over it is moot.
> -Chris KQ6UP"
> Yet, on 29-Jul-2024, you sent a bulletin, seemingly via JNOS,
> that was likely to be, eventually, transmitted via HF.
> Thus:
> "From: KQ6UP
> Type/Status: B$
> Date/Time: 29-Jul 16:01Z
> Bid: V9T_KQ6UP
> Title: Happy to see more West Coast Check ins
> R:240729/1632Z 15843 at W9GM.#SWWI.WI.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.24
> R:240729/1632Z 34532 at K6IRF.#SCA.CA.USA.NOAM BPQ6.0.23
> R:240729/1631Z 44918 at KA1VSC.#CCT.CT.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24
> R:240729/1620Z 455 at K1AJD.#CCT.CT.USA.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24
> R:240729/1619Z 16985 at VE3CGR.#SCON.ON.CAN.NOAM LinBPQ6.0.24
> R:240729/1601z @:KQ6UP.#SCA.CA.USA.NOAM [Grand Terrace, CA] $:V9T_KQ6UP Z:92313
> >From kq6up at kq6up.ampr.org Mon Jul 29 09:01:27 2024
> Received: from kq6up.ampr.org by kq6up.ampr.org (JNOS2.0o.2) with SMTP
>      id AA40529 ; Mon, 29 Jul 2024 09:01:27 PDT
> Message-Id: <40531 at kq6up.ampr.org>
>> From: kq6up at kq6up.ampr.org
> X-JNOS-User-Port: Circuit  (OLDNDE:W6TJ-5 KQ6UP)  ->  Sending message
> The subject says it all.  Keep up the good work.
> -73 de Chris KQ6UP"
> Please do not originate packet BBS messages that include JNOS email headers,
> if they are likely to be relayed over HF.
> 73, Chuck

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