[nos-bbs] System Down?

Gustavo Ponza g.ponza at tin.it
Thu Jul 18 03:44:38 EDT 2024

Hi Maiko,

tried to write to nos-bbs mailing list but don' get
the return message... probably it is got lost.

Hope this one can reach you 🙂


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: System Down?
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 07:33:45 +0200
From: Gustavo Ponza <i0ojj at i0ojj.ita.eu>
Organization: SICD Rome
To: n2nov at n2nov.#rich.ny.usa.noam

On 17/07/24 03:27, n2nov at n2nov.#rich.ny.usa.noam wrote:
 > I am unable to get an AXIP link to you.

I am living (as vacation) in IR0AAB since a few days and
generally remain here for a few months...

The strange thing occurring here is that, and only for
the JNOS2, does not communicate anymore to the internet,
and so no AXIP, no RIP, no telnet, etc. are functioning.

Now, the PC and programs were setup and run OK at home, as
usual, but when switched on the PC here found that fault
on JNOS2 .p2 🙁

Furthermore, messages received at JNOS via Netrom remain
stuck at MQUEUE directory (SMTP port 25 results open)...

I don't understand the problem... do you have experienced
something thing like as above? How to cure it?

73 and ciao, gustavo i0ojj/ir0aab/ir0eq
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur

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