[nos-bbs] again - can someone reproduce MM and/or MC index issue ?

Andrew Pepper anpepper at gmail.com
Thu Jul 4 08:04:32 EDT 2024


Doing a MM from one area to another seems to trigger it.

I'm running 2.0p.1 which seems better with this, but not fixed.

Deleting the the <area>.usr and then doing an 'index <area>' resolves it.

Next time the forward kicks off the message that was "stuck" goes right 
through and forwards complete.

Andrew, K1YMI

On 7/3/24 21:21, maiko at pcsinternet.ca wrote:
> The user has to have the SYSOP bit set in ftpusers.
> THere were a couple of people on here that had issues with the index
> needing rebuild after running the MM and/or MC commands. I think Charles
> or his group was one of them, but I don't remember the other folks.
> If they can reproduce the problem, and let me know how, that would be 
> great.
> Maiko
> On 2024-07-03 16:32, Gustavo Ponza wrote:
>> On 7/3/24 21:10, Maiko Langelaar (Personal) wrote:
>>> I need to get this fixed and off my list.
>>> Can anyone faithfully reproduce this problem ?
>>> Can you share how you did this ?
>>> Maiko / VE4KLM
>> 1. as per my knowledge, the M commands are the following:
>> -----------
>> M               Shows current mailbox users
>> MC name         Copy the current message to area/path 'name' (SYSOP 
>> only)
>> MC x [y,z] name Copy messages x,y and z in current area to area/path
>>     'name' (SYSOP only)
>> ML              Shows all past users since system startup
>> ML n            Shows the n past users since startup
>> ML call         Shows when 'call' logged on last
>> MM name         Move the current message to area/path 'name' (SYSOP 
>> only)
>> MM x [y,z] name Move messages x,y and z in current area to area/path 
>> 'name'
>> MS              Show message and system status
>> Note: (i0ojj)
>>   1.11x6 (970314) [update]
>> The sysop MM and MC commands (now) accept a range of message numbers,
>> specified by an embedded '-', e.g., MM 5-26 junk
>> -----------
>> 2. the following demonstration has been reproduced by using the 'record'
>> command on jnos.
>> 3. Taking my 'sysop' area as an example, I used the MC command and
>> the MM command: the results in both cases had no effect on functioning
>> as expected, but simply gave both the same reply like when the M command
>> (alone) is issued.
>> -----------
>> ROMEGW:IR0RM Area: ir0eq Current msg# 0.
>> a sysop
>> sysop: 14 messages  -  0 new.
>> ROMEGW:IR0RM Area: sysop Current msg# 1.
>> la
>> Mail area: sysop
>> 14 messages  -  0 new
>> St.  #  TO            FROM     DATE   SIZE SUBJECT
>>> Y   1 sysop at ww      i0ojj    Jun  5 1054 DXSpider repository OFF
>>   Y   2 sysop at ita     i0ojj    Jun  6 2008 La terra dei cachi
>>   Y   3 sysop at ww      va2om    Jun  9 1071 VE2PKT BBS will be off 
>> line for few
>>   Y   4 sysop at ww      i0ojj    Jun  9 1473 Rife: DXSpider repository OFF
>>   Y   5 sysop at eu      yt7mpb   Jun 10 1124 YU7BPQ/YT7MPB --> CR6MPB
>>   Y   6 sysop at ww      rn1m     Jun 12 1633 Q about VE1JOT-1 on Net105
>>   Y   7 sysop at ww      i0ojj    Jun 15 1183 Record: a 720MB msg arrived
>>   Y   8 sysop at ww      oz1lqh   Jun 16 1106 ON0AR forward?
>>   Y   9 sysop at ww      i0ojj    Jun 16 2984 Re: ON0AR forward?
>>   Y  10 sysop at ww      pd2skz   Jun 16 4782 Re: ON0AR forward?
>>   Y  11 sysop at ww      oz1lqh   Jun 17 1097 Re: ON0AR forward?
>>   Y  12 sysop at ww      lu9dce   Jun 18  967 Announcement
>>   Y  13 sysop at ita     i0ojj    Jul  2 1015 Re: Xnet Link
>>   Y  14 sysop at ww      i0ojj    Jul  2 1308 Forward situation in IT
>> ROMEGW:IR0RM Area: sysop Current msg# 1.
>> mc 14 /tmp/sysop.msg
>> Users:
>> Telnet   (ir0eq @  ->    Idle
>> ROMEGW:IR0RM Area: sysop Current msg# 1.
>> mm 14 packet
>> Users:
>> Telnet   (ir0eq @  ->    Idle
>> Uplink   (VE3CGR-2 on port cgr)  -> Forwarding
>> ROMEGW:IR0RM Area: sysop Current msg# 1.
>> ---------
>> 73 and ciao, gustavo i0ojj/ir0aab/ir0eq
>> non multa, sed multum
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