[nos-bbs] Complete config of my home QTH setup

Maiko Langelaar (Personal) maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Thu Dec 19 12:18:01 EST 2024

I should clarify. I use IP masquerade so that JNOS looks like any
other PC or system on my local LAN, you can see the setup of
that in the sample startup script. Basically I only do outgoing
connections on this configuration. So DMZ is not required at
all for this, but of course if you want to connect to JNOS from
the outside, then DMZ can be used.

May I strongly recommend, you firewall your JNOS with care,
since DMZ puts JNOS direct on the internet. I know it's a DSL,
FIBRE, or CABLE service, not like targeting a fixed hostname,
but you never know, right ? right !


On 12/19/24 11:10, Maiko Langelaar (Personal) wrote:
> I don't use the DMZ for this, the JNOS is meant as a client only.
> BUT to answer your question, DMZ would point to the JNOS side
> of the tunnel interface between linux and JNOS. The router must
> know how to get there though, so static route via the linux box
> should be configured in the router itself.
> Maiko
> On 12/19/24 11:04, jerome schatten wrote:
>> Thank you Maiko!! Which end of the tunnel points to the DMZ?
>> Thanks,
>> jerome - ve7ass
>>> On Dec 19, 2024, at 07:09, Maiko Langelaar (Personal) 
>>> <maiko at pcsinternet.ca> wrote:
>>> If anyone is interested or needs guidance to get at least
>>> something working, then here is a complete configuration
>>> of my home QTH station, using the latest development :
>>>    https://www.langelaar.net/radio/ve4klm/station
>>> Configuration files, start up scripts, basically 'everything' ...
>>> This is a non-amprnet setup, the main use is for HF aprs igate
>>> and monitoring, but you can easily connect to it over HF if you
>>> wanted. At some point, I may move this to IPV6 network, since
>>> JNOS has it's own IPV6 stack (for a while now) ...
>>> In this setup, JNOS is just another program, with internet
>>> connectivity through your standard home dsl or cable router
>>> service.
>>> Merry Christmas, and the best of the new year !
>>>   may you have many many more, as my aging dad always said
>>> I hope you are all doing as good as can be, take care.
>>> Maiko / VE4KLM
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