[nos-bbs] Bpq <~~>Jnos connects & forwading

Don Moore ve3zda at gmail.com
Fri Dec 13 11:25:14 EST 2024

I too have been having similar issues but cannot find the problem.
I run jnos and noticed that when I start up jnos then I can ax25 connect to
a bpq . Until the link is established then I can netrom connect. However if
I walk away from jnos even for 10 minutes and I try either connect the F9
screen shows no response from the other end. Once I restart jnos everything
is as above. It’s just like chasing my tail and never catching it.

Don - ve3zda

On Thu, Dec 12, 2024 at 9:52 PM jerome schatten <romers at shaw.ca> wrote:

> I am running bpq and  one of my forward partners is running jnos. This
> worked ok for us for several years until something went haywire. From the
> beginning,  as long as my pi was in the DMZ we could connect and forward by
> either netrom or ax25. He showed as linked to me and I to him.
> Recently, the link on one or both ends drops and although we can both
> still see . each others node broadcasts, any attempt at my end to connect
> generates a message from my  side, that his node has disappeared.
> Restarting the jnos side usually results  in being able to connect and
> forward again for a fewminutes and then it dies again.
> We have tried everything we could think of and now ask for some ideas.
> jerome - ve7ass
> Sent from my iPhone
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