[nos-bbs] Latest System Diagram - 3 modems on a single radio

Maiko Langelaar (Personal) maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Tue Apr 9 09:59:43 EDT 2024

I would like to incorporate VARA into this setup, it would not
be hard at all, but one of the strengths of MultiPSK is that you
can tune the CF or tone pairs using your mouse. That's the only
reason why this works, with a bit of coincidence on 30 m.

If VARA had the same CF or tone shift feature, I would probably
be able to setup a 4th HF port and keep my dial where it is. I did
present the idea to the Jose a while ago, but I do not think it will
happen. I mean ; it does complicate the interface I suppose.

Maiko / VE4KLM

On 4/9/24 08:25, Maiko Langelaar (Personal) wrote:
> If this interests anyone :
>   https://www.langelaar.net/jnos2/live/TeensyMultiPSKNinoit3.jpg
> NinoTNC A4 board, MultiPSK soundcard software, and Teensy Kit
> Maiko / VE4KLM

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