[nos-bbs] JNOS 2.0o IPV6 update

Maiko Langelaar (Personal) maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Fri May 5 11:47:56 EDT 2023

Good morning,

This seems to be working quite well, a brief summary :

    ping, hop check, telnet, axip, axudp, forward.bbs

    add IPV6 domain server

    ping and telnet using hostname (IPV6 resolver)

     ip heard, ip nolistener

Another 'call from Jack' from his cell phone early morning :

    08:06:48  26x3:8001:2x:b61:x:639:x:d2e:49910  - MBOX (aa6hf) login
    08:06:48  26x3:8001:2x:b61:x:639:x:d2e:49910  - MBOX (aa6hf) open
    08:08:04  26x3:8001:2x:b61:x:639:x:d2e:49910  - MBOX (aa6hf) exit

Yes, I'm very pleased with all of this :]

  Maiko / VE4KLM

  official -> www.langelaar.net/jnos2

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