[nos-bbs] No jnos prompt until I press enter (debiani386)

Jay jjn at nuge.com
Sat Aug 19 15:18:14 EDT 2023


On Sat, 19 Aug 2023, Kayne Kruse wrote:

> It may be you are calling to your MYCALL call instead of BBSCALL.
> I forget the use cases on why we set both of these but typically if you use MYCALL and not BBSCALL I
> think that is the expected behavior.  

    That is correct.  Users connect to the MYCALL will receive an 
*automatic* welcome message and Alphabet-Soup prompt.  Automated BBS's 
will connect to the BBSCALL and without wasting unneccessary bandwidth, 
can then immediately send the mail exchange squence.

       --- Jay  WB8TKL
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