[nos-bbs] No jnos prompt until I press enter (debiani386)

Maiko (Personal) maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Sat Aug 19 14:21:38 EDT 2023

I just realized I had not replied to list :

What are your 3 main ax25 calls ? For example :

nos> ax25 bbscall
jnos> ax25 ttycall
jnos> ax25 mycall

They should be unique SSID for jump start to behave properly.


On 2023-08-19 12:46 p.m., debiani386 via nos-bbs wrote:
> I'll check back on they shortly, we hit some snags with our tncs, so I'm 
> getting that fixed
> Sent from Proton Mail mobile
> -------- Original Message --------
> On Aug 19, 2023, 11:19, Kayne Kruse < kayne.kruse at gmail.com> wrote:
>     Hi Christopher,
>     It may be you are calling to your MYCALL call instead of BBSCALL.
>     I forget the use cases on why we set both of these but typically if
>     you use MYCALL and not BBSCALL I think that is the expected behavior.
>     Perhaps some others will comment as it has been a while and my
>     memory is a little fuzzy on that.
>     But they have two different settings for a reason and BBSCALL i
>     think IIRC gives the jumpstart into the BBS UI I think for
>     forwarding.  Well something to check at least.  Hope that helps
>     somehow or at least gets you on the right track.
>     73,
>     Kayne - N9SEO.
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