[nos-bbs] complementing Teensy RPR with Multipsk AX25 (on 30m for APRS)

Maiko (Personal) maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Thu Aug 10 21:35:21 EDT 2023

If I take the audio out from my rig and feed it into both my teensy RPR 
board, and the LINE-IN on my sound card with MultiPSK running in TCP/IP 
kiss mode with the 'mark/space' moved up to 1900/2100, and attach both 
teensy and the multipsk software to my JNOS system as separate HF ports,
I can grab APRS in both modes - works quite well, and I can gate both
modes to the APRS internet system as well. A little crazier way to do
it I suppose ...

Should be able to TX with both 'modems' as well, just have to figure out
the proper interface circuitry.

Maiko / VE4KLM

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