[nos-bbs] JNOS rig control of frequency

Sky sky at aa6ax.us
Wed Jun 8 16:41:24 EDT 2022

Also acknowledging Maiko's response saying essentially "no."

My initial question(s) came from a desire to bridge two 2m packet networks. One is a localized packet frequency also designated for emergency use, and the other is a high-level BBS frequency that lets me reach from San Francisco way down past San Jose in the south Bay Area. 

But I stupidly ignored that the high-level BBS has a UHF frequency as well as a VHF frequency.

So tha coaching has been useful, even though the problem as posed is insoluble.


> On Jun 4, 2022, at 12:56 PM, Andrew Pepper <anpepper at gmail.com> wrote:
> You'd be better off using one port on vhf and the other port on uhf. All you'll need is a dual band antenna and a diplexer... Or just use two antennas. Then you'll avoid the need for expensive VHF duplex filters and worrying about both transmitters TXing at the same time.
> Andrew 
> On Sat, Jun 4, 2022, 15:19 <maiko at pcsinternet.ca <mailto:maiko at pcsinternet.ca>> wrote:
> > Please confirm the following:
> > 
> > •     The second interface would allow JNOS to simultaneously listen to
> > both frequencies, logging all traffic and serving its BBS on both
> > frequencies. (This one I am sure of.)
> Of course.
> > 
> > •     JNOS will not trigger a second radio to transmit at the same time as
> > the first. (This was one of my earlier questions, and I honestly do
> > not know the answer.)
> There is no way for JNOS to know, especially in KISS mode, it sends the
> data when it wants to send the data, so it has no idea when PTT is going
> to be active or not. Unless it controls PTT direct for some of the more
> recent code I wrote, but even then there is no 'check if another radio
> is active' type of code. I could put in code, but that could possibly
> introduce longer delays, since you still don't really know when the TNC
> is going to PTT the radio ? I have no experience with this, but this is
> what my sense would be.
> But it gets worse, even if one radio is not transmitting, suppose you
> are receiving a packet on the one, and you key up the other ? Signal
> will most likely get WASHED out anyways by your own TX on the other
> frequency ? Hopefully I am not making a fool of myself, it's been
> years since we played with stuff like DIODE MATRIX interconnected
> systems and the sort, that was a LONG time ago, oh my gosh ....
> Either huge duplexor cans or TNCs that can be GPS sync'd (never heard
> of that, but it would be cool, similar to motorola canopy systems).
> Yeah, if anyone wants to better educate us, please do :)
> > This would allow continued use of JNOS without additional work from 
> > anybody.
> There would need to be some type of additional work in my opinion, 
> unless
> you could somehow manage to separate the antennas really really good ...
> Maiko / VE4KLM
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