[nos-bbs] VE2PKT all SSID

VE2PKT ve2pkt at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 10:03:02 EST 2022

Good day,
     Right now VE2PKT all SSID is under sever Winter storm, and the 
sever weather should last 1 week or so,
VE2PKT might come back randomly on line.

Sorry for the problem that can cause, I hope by next week all will be 
return normal.


73 de Jean,

Sysop de: VE2PKT (BBS), VE2PKT-13 (URONode), VE2PKT-4 (XRPI)
         : VE2RCN-1, VE2RGM-1, VE2RGC-1, VE2RVA-1, (The-Net)
         : VE2PKT-9 (DXCluster), VE2PKT-10 (Winlink Gateway)
147.435 Mhz (1200 Bps),

Telnet: ve2pkt.dyndns.org port 23 (URONode)  - VE2PKT-13
Telnet: ve2pkt.dyndns.org port 2323 (Xrpi Node) - VE2PKT-4
Telnet: ve2pkt.dyndns.org port 6300 (FBB BBS) - VE2PKT
Telnet: ve2pkt.dyndns.org port 9000 (DXCluster) - VE2PKT-9

packet:   ve2pkt at ve2pkt.#qbc.qc.can.noam
ampr net: ve2pkt at ve2pkt.ampr.org
Inet:     ve2pkt at gmail.com

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