[nos-bbs] alpha code

Langelaar maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Tue Sep 14 13:36:48 EDT 2021

Hey Bob and group,

 > Is that memory leak in the latest alpha code for L< and L>, etc. solved?

Finally, yes it 'should' be fixed, it's not crashing on me either.

Also I had the TO and FROM callsigns mixed up in the K< and K> commands,
so nothing was getting deleted, that should be fixed now.

One last thing I noticed (example), even though a listing might show :

  Y   7 ve4klm        wb8tkl   Aug 23  706 Testing web interface to BBS 

and then I do a 'K< wb8tkl' it comes up empty, why ? because the debug
logging I put in shows it was actually posted from :

    12:29:37  - cmsg to [ve4klm] from [wb8tkl at ve4klm]

so if I now use 'K< wb8tkl at ve4klm', it works and marks it as deleted. Of
course I can revert this using 'ku 7', so that unkill still works.

Question : should I just allow 'K< wb8tkl' to work, even if it has a @ or %
                  or longer address ? Make sense ?

Comments please.


On 9/6/21 6:33 PM, Boudewijn (Bob) Tenty wrote:
> Maiko,
> 73,
> Bob VE3TOK
> When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change 
> Max Planck
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