[nos-bbs] How to run debugger while JNOS is running ...

M Langelaar maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Sun Jun 6 10:14:41 EDT 2021

Good morning,

I have people reporting crashes off and on, but unless I have detailed 
on why JNOS crashed, it's hard to provide a fix. It is important to know 
why JNOS
crashes, then I can get it fixed, and everyone benefits.

This is a simple procedure. If you are experiencing JNOS crashes more then
you care to deal with at times, then you can run the GDB debugger in another
terminal while JNOS is running already. The procedure is documented below :

1) Get the PID of the jnos process, using the linux command :

        ps -ef | grep jnos

2) Once you know what the PID is, then run the gdb debugger as follows :

        gdb -p pid

3) GDB will load, JNOS will hang temporarily, and GDB will give you a prompt
     at which you should enter the following command :


     Then both GDB and JNOS will continue to run again.

4) When a crash occurs, GDB will break out to the prompt again, and JNOS
     will hang. Take a screen shot of what GDB printed out, then enter following
     command at the GDB prompt :


    You can also try the following command after that :

        back full

    Note ALL info that appears, even the JNOS console might have some stuff.

    Please send all of that information to me, with a brief explanation of what
    might have been going on at the time.

5) If you have JNOS logging in effect, please send me the log file, starting a
     little before the crash time, so we can see what might have led up to it.

Thank you, much appreciated. Hope you are all doing 'okay'.

Maiko / VE4KLM

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