[nos-bbs] VARA HF iface for JNOS 2.0 - Connections from JNOS to VARA modem

M Langelaar maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Sun Jan 10 09:28:08 EST 2021


I had to look it up, -> pat (winlink client written in GO) ...

I'm not sure to be honest, my goal right now is just to get JNOS to JNOS 
functioning. The way I have written my interface 'so far' is that it 
behaves more
like a bridge between the two systems, over which you can connect ax25 or ip
or netrom or whatever (like a tunnel) and it's bidirectional in that way.

I'm not sure how the winlink systems are using VARA, watching the traces on
a few exchanges it looks like they are using VARA just like a forwarding 
as in a direct connection to a mailbox, but that's just what it 'looks 
like' to me.

I'm stuck on a few annoying protocol issues, otherwise it would be done 
and of course these little items always take the longest to sort out ... 
sigh ...

Maiko / VE4KLM

On 10/01/2021 8:04 a.m., Chris Maness wrote:
> I am using VARA with pat on Linux.  Will that work too?
> On Sat, Jan 9, 2021 at 1:59 PM M Langelaar <maiko at pcsinternet.ca 
> <mailto:maiko at pcsinternet.ca>> wrote:
>     Hey Bruce,
>     GRAPENOS, yup, I think BK told me about that one (I think) ...
>     Oh wow, so I should grovel at your feet HI HI, you would have
>     worked with Brian Kantor then correct ? He mentioned some of
>     the old WA4DSY days when I last chatted with him ...
>     SO, here's a 'secret' for anyone that wants to 'play' ***
>     IF you rsync the latest JNOS area on my official site, add :
>         #define EA5HVK_VARA
>     to your config.h, then on each JNOS you can start comms to
>     their respective VARA HF windows modems something like :
>     JNOS A (on the cloud, accesses my VARA on client PC at home)
>         attach vara vara0 256 8300
>       watch the JNOS log for stats, when both ports are connected, run :
>         varacmd "MYCALL VE4KLM"
>         varamcd "LISTEN ON"
>     JNOS B (on another subnet here at home)
>         attach vara vara0 256 8300
>     watch the JNOS log for stats, when both ports are connected, run :
>          varacmd "MYCALL K4TQL"
>          varacmd "LISTEN ON"
>     THEN on one of the JNOS instances, try this :
>          varacmd "CONNECT VE4KLM K4TQL"
>     The two VARA modems should sync up and connect, THEN at
>     that point you can even try this on either (?) JNOS console :
>          c vara0 ve4klm
>       or
>          c vara0 k4tql
>     depending which JNOS you are on.
>     That's the latest progress I have made, you will find however the
>     the ax25 connection I am trying to make stalls at some point, and
>     that is where I need to work on the buffering and flow control, etc.
>     Each Windows PC is line-in / speaker out to the other using a couple
>     of stereo cables, since at this point it's hard and really no
>     point to try
>     it on an HF frequency when you have nobody to play with anyways.
>     HOWEVER to me this is great progress, the mechanics are in place.
>     Sorry for the length of this post, but now folks have something to
>     maybe
>     fool around with. The VARA modem I used is of course trial version, so
>     the link speed probably is not helpful in fully testing it, but at
>     some
>     point
>     I am sure I will pay Jose the fee and get the full version. It's
>     pretty
>     cool !
>     I don't use WINE since I'm spoiled to have work computers with
>     fully licensed Windows systems (of any kind) at my disposal, so
>     it's no impact to run the extra program on them, and with VPNs
>     and other creative routing, it doesn't matter where my JNOS is
>     running as long as I have a network to my software modems.
>     It's been like that from 'day one', I tried WINE when it first came
>     out, but I was more interested in Virtual BOX and KVM, and Xen
>     and all that, and by then I working as an IT guy in corporations
>     that could afford windows licenses and such ...
>     Dare I say, but BPQ seems to have a grasp on things, it's been
>     out for a while I think, and seems quite stable and well in use.
>     Yes, internet killed the radio star, but the internet is still
>     good for
>     lots of stuff, like getting software out to the masses of course.
>     I've just been fearing lately that JNOS is turning into just another
>     internet app, perhaps why I've become obsessed with the software
>     based IP connected modems over the past years.
>     On 09/01/2021 2:30 p.m., Bruce Nebergall K4TQL wrote:
>     > Maiko,
>     >
>     > VARA HF iface for JNOS 2.0
>     >
>     >
>     > Here's another Re:
>     >
>     > I got VARA running under Linux Wine.  Actually I used Crossover
>     Linux
>     > because it's easier to
>     > set up test bottles for different applications.  With a Terabyte
>     > drive, I don't worry about
>     > disk space.
>     >
>     > As I said, I got it working basically under Wine 32 bit Windows 7
>     > bottle.  Now I've got to
>     > figure out what I did right so I can duplicate it. Task
>     underway.  I
>     > use VARA as part of
>     > an Air Force MARS message network.  Right now we are using BPQ
>     but I'm
>     > looking for a better
>     > matched software that works under Linux.
>     >
>     > I'm an old hand at NOS.  I and some others ported NOS to support
>     > WA4DSY's high speed RF
>     > modem.  Worked like a charm.  Internet killed the network.  The
>     port
>     > was called GRAPESNOS.
>     > You may have heard of it.
>     >
>     > I've looked at the source code to see if I could port it into
>     > something more fitting to
>     > AF MARS use that BPQ.  But, man, the code has changed worlds
>     from what
>     > I knew.  I'd have
>     > a lot of catching up to do.  Don't know if this old (now) brain
>     can do
>     > it.
>     >
>     > I'll keep you advised as to my progress on VARA..
>     >
>     > BTW, any reason why you dno't do Wine?
>     >
>     > Bruce, K4TQL
>     >
>     > On 1/9/21 3:07 PM, M Langelaar wrote:
>     >> Hi Bruce,
>     >>
>     >> The modem is Windows, communications is TCP/IP, one command
>     port, one
>     >> data port.
>     >>
>     >>    Jose' webpage is -> https://rosmodem.wordpress.com
>     <https://rosmodem.wordpress.com>
>     >>
>     >> At this time my tests are hardwired between 2 Windows PCs, each
>     has it's
>     >> own JNOS instance on the network using it. That's all I have to
>     work
>     >> with, it
>     >> is a good enough setup to confirm that I got the mechanics working
>     >> nicely.
>     >>
>     >> It's the flow control and a few other issues that I'm going to
>     need a
>     >> bit of
>     >> time to work on, there are some protocol issues that I need to
>     nail
>     >> down.
>     >>
>     >> For what it's worth, I got confirmation from yet another person
>     this
>     >> morning
>     >> saying the WinRPR interface recently added to JNOS 2.0 is
>     working quite
>     >> well, even comparable to their old TNC setups, so that's very
>     >> encouraging.
>     >>
>     >> I don't use WINE, sorry.
>     >>
>     >> Maiko / VE4KLM
>     >>
>     >> On 09/01/2021 1:57 p.m., Bruce Nebergall K4TQL wrote:
>     >>> Maiko,
>     >>>
>     >>> Good news about the VARA port.  What platform is the VARA modem
>     >>> running on?
>     >>> Windows?  On Linux under Wine?  How do you communicate between
>     the
>     >>> modem
>     >>> and JNOS?  Hardwire from one PC to another? If running under
>     Linux Wine
>     >>> have you had any issues with JNOS connecting to VARA?
>     >>>
>     >>> Bruce
>     >>>
>     >
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