[nos-bbs] multi bbs with same call, bid overlap, history file, dupes, expires

Langelaar maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Wed Sep 23 16:33:10 EDT 2020

Some technical questions going through my head lately, in part
this is me just thinking outloud, but also asking questions, so
it would be nice to hear from LOTS of folks how they interpret
all of this.

Subject : multi bbs with same call, bid overlap, history file, dupes, 

3 groups of questions

Over the past year I am finally understanding a bit better the
intricacies of dupes, and bids, still not an expert, but a few
things that have happened lately are making me look deeper.

1) History file

For instance, how many folks use the history file on their NOS
systems, doyou actively 'maintain' or heaven forbid 'delete' it
on a regularbasis ? This file is important (?) for dupe control.

2) Multiple BBS using same callsign and ovelapping BIDs ?

How many folks are running multiple BBS systems that havethesame
callsign ? If you fall into this category, would you mind sharing a
bit more information ?

Are you running multiple xNOS systems ?

If so, do your 'sequence' numbers overlap ? In other words, if
you examine the values on each of your xNOS system, how close
are they to each other, how much of a 'gap' exists between :

    # more /jnos/rte/spool/mqueue/sequence.seq

With the present BID limit of JNOS, it's kind of a complicated
question, since once we hit 99999 we 'roll over' XXXXX_VE4KLM
for instance. So that doesn't leave much leeway for those who
run multiple NOS systems.

The next version is coming out with BASE36 BID so that stretches
the limit to a MUCH LARGER value, so if you run multiple NOS systems
it would seem to make sense to stagger your sequence numbers, so that
there is a gap of a few million between them (once you run BASE36 that

Can the lack of a gap contribute to dupes ? Actually can the lack of
the gap prevent bonified messages from getting posted on remote BBS
systems that already have a message with the BID from your other NOS
system, one that technically could be a whole different subject line
or content ?

3) I expire messages every so often, like anyone does. So I recently
    expired my ww area, then the messages reappeared when forwarding
    from another remote system who has different 'expiry' needs then
    my own. This one surprised me by accident the other day. I had a
    whole wack of @ww expired after lets say 30 days, only to find
    them there again after forwarding with another system. Yeah, I
    got back all those messages which I had already expired, since
    that other system did not expire them. Does this make sense what
    I'm saying ?

    SO what happens then is that I in turn forward these to others,
    without knowing at the time that 'these expired messages' came
    back to my system, so does that make me create dupes of messages
    in a sense and it spirals out of control ?

It's been 16 years since I took on JNOS and I'm just starting to
figure out some of this crap now ? oh man ...

Sorry for the length of this, but to me this seems 'important' :|

Maiko / VE4KLM

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