[nos-bbs] Start script with auto restart loop

Jay Nugent jjn at nuge.com
Thu Mar 5 13:13:33 EST 2020


On Thu, 5 Mar 2020, Jay Nugent wrote:

> Greetings,
> On Thu, 5 Mar 2020, K3CHB wrote:
>>  I am using JNOS in a screen session over here and would like to add a
>>  restart provision to my startnos script.
>>  Has anyone come up with a good solution for screen instances of jnos?
>    My STARTNOS Bash script launches the JNOS executable under screen. Then 
> to start everything up I log into the local or remote box and issue the 
> command:   cd /jnos ; ./startnos ; screen -r

    Here is my STARTNOS script:

# /jnos/startnos
logger "JNOS startnos script started"
cd /jnos
rm -f /jnos/spool/mqueue/*.lck 2> /dev/null
rm -f /jnos/spool/mail/*.lck 2> /dev/null
export TZ=EST5EDT
export TERM=linux
# Actually start jnos 
logger "JNOS is being started"
exec screen -d -m  ./jnos -d /jnos -f /jnos/nos.cfg 2>&1
logger "JNOS has exited"
# --- end ---

       --- Jay  WB8TKL

>   To can detach my session:   Control-A D
>   Can then log in from another machine and do a 'screen -r'
>   I don't yet have a way to shut down or restart JNOS other than to 'exit' 
> from the JNOS> prompt or kill the jnos process.
>   I do have some deployments of JNOS at remote sites that use 'systemd' to 
> auto-start JNOS after a crash or a Linux reboot.
>      --- Jay  WB8TKL
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