[nos-bbs] JNOS error tracking new messages

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Sun Oct 14 18:56:29 EDT 2018

> (#3)>
> A foo
> foo: 15 messages  -  4 new
> The number of new messages appears to be determined by looking at how many
> messages have ID numbers greater than the number stored next to the user's
> call sign in the spool/mail/foo.usr file.

Number of new messages is calculated by going through the index and actually
counting the number of messages that have NOT been read. This calculation is
done each time a user accesses their mailbox.

Each message has a BM_READ bit in the message status.

The 'messages' and 'new' are 'integer' values.

The number you see in foo.usr is the last message listed/read, and it is
parsed as a 'long integer'.

> Since this ID number doesn't grow without bound, it must "roll over" when it
> reaches it's maximum value.  Since the ID numbers never seem to grow larger
> than 5 digits, I'm assuming that they are 16 bit numbers.  So when the
> number gets up to 65535, it must role over to 0.
> Now, here's the problem ...

Looking at this now (including your emails after that).


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