[nos-bbs] RPI Raspbian Stretch Jnos autostart and restart automatically
SP2L at sp2l.ampr.org
Wed Jan 24 05:52:17 EST 2018
This is follow up to my previous message.
In regard subject in question.
Will make story as brief as possible.
Sometime back in 2013 my TNOS-3.01a1 very often was unresponsive.
TNOS process (PID) was present, tun0 interface with assigned IP
was visible but connection to TNOS wasn't possible at all.
Therefore I crafted set of smart (I hope so!) scripts
in order to keep TNOS up&running and being connectible.
1. In crontab I put this line:
*/15 * * * * root /usr/local/tnos301/tnosrst &> /dev/null
2. This is tnosrst script:
TIMESTAMP=`date "+%b %d %X"`
sleep 1
HANG=`cat /usr/local/tnos301/SP2L.txt | grep -wo "Area:"`
if [ "$HANG" != "Area:" ]; then
echo "$TIMESTAMP TNOS is hung-up - restarting..." >> $LOG
sleep 1
echo "O.K!" > /usr/local/tnos301/hang.txt
3. This is tnosxpct script:
spawn /usr/bin/telnet
expect ":"
send "sp2l\r"
expect ":"
send "<your_password>\r"
log_file -noappend /usr/local/tnos301/SP2L.txt
expect ">"
sleep .1
send "b\r"
sleep .1
expect eof
4. This is startnos script:
# start NOS on a specific vt 4
cd $BASEDIR/tnos301
export TERM=konsole
PID=`/bin/pidof -x tnos`
if [ -n "$PID" ]; then
kill -9 $PID
rm -f $BASEDIR/tnos301/spool/mqueue/*.lck
rm -f $BASEDIR/tnos301/spool/mail/*.lck
rm -f $BASEDIR/tnos301/tnos.lock
exec ./tnos -U 0 < /dev/tty4 > /dev/tty4 2>&1 &
That's all, almost all.
Of course scripts have to be modified
to meet local environment requirements.
In order for above to work it is necessary
to install expect package, which is available
in most of linux distributions.
The pros: this is nifty and smart solution, IMHO.
The cons: did not noticed so far.
I use similar set of scripts to keep my
dexspider instance up&running flawlessly.
Although YMMV, Hi!.
Best regards.
Tom - SP2L
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