[nos-bbs] Segmentation Fault Part 3.1

Ray Quinn w6ray at sbcglobal.net
Sun Mar 12 19:38:59 EDT 2017

This is what I got when trying version 2.0k compiled Feb 24, 2017:

#11 Mar 2017 v 2.0k
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
nr_bcnodes (ifp=<error reading variable: Cannot access memory at address 
0x469fec>) at nr3.c:661
661                             if (callnocall (rp->call)

This is on Raspian Jessie. It doesn't even finish loading autoexec.nos 
before it faults. I also compiled it on a regular Debian Jessie in a VM, 
but haven't ran it yet. (I have issues with the network settings within 
the OS for some reason, unrelated to the current issue.)

I just downloaded again 20:50 Pacific Standard Time 11 Mar 17 and it is 
compiling right now. I will let you know if anything happens.


If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body,
then only left-handed people are in their right minds.

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                      73 de Ray Quinn W6RAY
                         GMRS - WQTX645
                      Visalia, CA USA DM06ii

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