[nos-bbs] Segmentation Fault

Ray Quinn w6ray at sbcglobal.net
Thu Feb 16 00:28:16 EST 2017

On 2/15/2017 9:14 PM, Maiko Langelaar wrote:
> Hi Ray,
>>>     print ifp
>> $2 = (struct iface *) 0x0
> This is helpful. It means the interface lookup failed for
> whatever reason in that particular code, and of course there
> is no check to see if the lookup failed, so the code continues
> and tries to access an invalid pointer, and boom !

> Easy enough for me to put in a fix, BUT, it would be nice to
> know what CAUSED this in the first place. Let me know what you
> find please if you do wind up finding anything. Thanks Ray !
 From what I can tell, there was an entry (?) for GVCITY with nothing 
else configured, I really don't know. The autoexec.nos file is from a 
backup from before the Grass Valley packet BBS went QRT. I removed it 
and JNOS is still running. In fact, I just logged into MBGATE from SJVBBS.

Thanks!! I had no idea where to look. I will let you know if there is 
anything else.


If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body,
then only left-handed people are in their right minds.

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                      73 de Ray Quinn W6RAY
                         GMRS - WQTX645
                      Visalia, CA USA DM06ih

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