[nos-bbs] Jnos RIP problem?

jerome schatten romers at shaw.ca
Wed Sep 14 01:10:57 EDT 2016

Running jnos2.0j7 or 2.0k

Can someone send me the lines to run rip that ‘should' appear in autoexec.nos?

Here’s what I have been using:

ip upstairs
#rip ttl 43200  ## 12 hours
rip accept
#rip trace 9 rip.log ## use for testing
start rip
# -end RIP stuff-

Am I missing something?

I am beginning to suspect that, although rip works here, and has for a long time,
that I have some obscure problem(s) that exist when rip is running that do not
exist when I use encap.txt in its stead.

So my first step in sorting this out is having someone else look at the rip lines I have in autoexec.nos.

jerome - ve7ass

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