[nos-bbs] A bad piece of pi...

jerome schatten romers at shaw.ca
Wed Sep 7 12:25:00 EDT 2016

Hi Bill….  Indeed telnet and telnetd are ‘installed’, but now the question is, is telnetd turned on.  Busy day today, so I won’t get to checking out the latest suggestions on where to look for the config lines. I will report back. Thanks to all for your suggestions!


> On Sep 7, 2016, at 08:40, Bill Vodall <wa7nwp at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 11:10 PM, jerome schatten <romers at shaw.ca> wrote:
>> Agreed Bob, and I appreciate what you’re saying… but I only use telnet inside the lan not for any purpose to or from the internet. And normally I have each computer on the lan locked down with an iptables firewall.
>> I guess this particular problem has become an academic exercise for me — I do not like not understanding things — in looking hard to see why telnetting ‘into’ this particular pi doesn’t work, even telnetting into itself, I have an opportunity to learn something new. It’s a good day, I figure, when I can learn something new <g>.
> Was there a resolution?   It sounded like there was no telnet server installed.
> In the early days the telnet service was there by default but now that
> it's such a security risk it has to be manually installed.
> 73
> Bill
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