[nos-bbs] Posting a PDF of NOSintro

Ian_Wade_G3NRW g3nrw-radio at ntlworld.com
Sun Apr 3 04:30:34 EDT 2016

On 01/04/2016 05:36, Michael Fox - N6MEF wrote:
> Ian Wade – are you here?
> I have a PDF of the NOSintro book that someone sent me.  Since the 
> book is out of print, is it o.k. post it to our ARES/RACES web site?

Hi Michael

Yes, I do lurk here once a week or so. I have sent you a private email 
saying that it's fine to post NOSintro on your ARES/RACES website. I am 
just amazed that people are still interested in reading a book that I 
wrote a quarter of a century ago!

Good luck to the group.

Ian, G3NRW

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