[nos-bbs] case sensitivity of MID/BID - discussion needed

Brian n1uro at n1uro.ampr.org
Mon Feb 9 14:32:37 EST 2015

If I may chime in here for a moment...

> One of the earlier emails said that FBB's comparison is case-sensitive.  But
> the example I saw showed that FBB changed the case of the incoming MID from
> lower to upper case when forwarding to the BPQ station.  Apparently we don't
> have all the facts.

I think if you look historically at the invention of the PBBS system,
back in the day it was DOS based. DOS kept the strings in UPPER case.
Converting the case was not an issue whatsoever. DOS did this for us.
It's this way in W0RLI, MSYS, FBBDOS and so on. When xNOS came along, it
used SMTP (case insensative) for it's total mail engine - whether it's
Email/SMTP or PBBS mail, and still does. Now we have *nx based PBBS
systems and some force a case issue, while others do not.

My logic is that when it's not defined in the protocol spec, then go
back to the original developmental platform and see if the issue in
question was: 
1) an issue then?
2) did the environment itself naturally created a rule without
definitions required in the spec docs?

I think in this case we can safely say DOS was the environment and
things were UPPER case.

My ex-wife's maiden name was Kernel, she was very unstable.

73 de Brian Rogers - N1URO
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