[nos-bbs] How to avoid SMTP spam mail in mqueue

Bob Tenty bobtenty at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 21:12:31 EDT 2014

When I tested the deny relay in the very past it was working
so I don't know what happen to it.

Is jnos trying to deliver them to a server at Internet or are they
just sitting in the mqueue?

Also use the "refile" file to refuse stuff.

It is better not to use jnos for direct smtp to/from Internet.
It's a very simple smtp server/client and not so suited for
the present Internet environment.


On 14-03-19 11:18 PM, Jose Ng Lee wrote:
> Thanks Bob,
> I used the same config.h default that comes with the sources to do the
> compile.
> These Smtp parameters are defined in config.h:
> #define SDR_EXCEPTIONS  /* SMTP Deny Relay exceptions */
> #define SGW_EXCEPTIONS  /* SMTP Gateway exceptions (new for Dec2011) */
> #define SMTP_DENY_RELAY /* Refuse to relay msgs from hosts not in our
> subnets */
> To do the test, now added:
> smtp relay add    0xffffff00
> In shorewall open for test port 25 and monitoring tcpdump tun0 still
> shows and avalanche of smtp spam mail still coming through the Jnos. 
> It is like a robot routine checking if my Jnos IP port 25 is open and
> pumping the spam.

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