[nos-bbs] strange udp broadcasts...

Jerome Schatten romers at shaw.ca
Thu Jan 30 00:49:48 EST 2014


So every minute of every hour of every day, I get this below; it started 
several weeks ago.  It looks like it's coming from the Ampr portal -- 
why? is indeed my ip and it seems that is 
the same ip as the rip broadcasts are coming from. Is there any way to 
turn this off other than turning off rip?

Wed Jan 29 21:35:27 2014 - tun0 recv:
IP: len 167> ihl 20 ttl 55 DF prot IP
IP: len 147> ihl 20 ttl 64 prot UDP
UDP: len 127 5678->5678 Data 119
0000 ..1.....Seattle-ER1....6.7....MikroTik............FLNH-GLS0....R
0040 B2011UAS......................T......ampr-
(encap)> UDP
0000 ..1.....Seattle-ER1....6.7....MikroTik............FLNH-GLS0....R
0040  B2011UAS......................T......ampr-

jerome - ve7ass

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