[nos-bbs] encap.txt

wa8rsa wa8rsa at charter.net
Sat Oct 12 11:54:19 EDT 2013



You are correct. The encap.txt file is out of date.


73 Dave wa8rsa



From: nos-bbs-bounces at tapr.org [mailto:nos-bbs-bounces at tapr.org] On Behalf
Of Don Moore
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2013 7:03 AM
To: TAPR xNOS Mailing List
Subject: [nos-bbs] encap.txt


Have those of us not using the RIP process noticed that the encap.txt file
is not updating or is it my problem?

I went so far as to check the gateway file and it too appears to be out of

73, Don - ve3zda

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