[nos-bbs] usb to serial adapter

MJ Inabnit ke6sls at arrl.net
Sun Feb 24 20:22:11 EST 2013

Hi Gang:

My old laptop (imb x31) finally passed away quietly in the radio shack.  
It had a real serial port I've been using for my tnc for last few 
years.  So now I'm looking at replacement laptops that have no serial 
ports.  Is there a linux friendly adapter that can provide two or three 
serial ports?  My radio uses serial, tnc uses serial, and I hope to put 
a second tnc on air the air later this year.  I would greatly appreciate 
your advice on make/model here in USA.

In the mean time, it's very quiet without my little black wonder laptop!




wishing you well
Jaye, ke6sls--via the acer w/thunderchicken3

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