[nos-bbs] jnos/pi update

Bob Tenty bobtenty at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 18:05:42 EST 2013

Hi jerome,

Glad you found it.
I think that Maiko would be interested in the output of gdb
when it crashes.



On 13-02-15 11:10 AM, jerome schatten wrote:
> Bob, et al:
> I have been able to determine that jnos crashes only if I initiate a
> forward cycle that polls. I have removed polling from forward.bbs and
> all has been stable for several days. Polling was not necessary anyway
> for my purposes. That is my work-around until someone can look at the
> source code.
> So, as near as I can tell, I now have fully working jnos/pi system
> except for the issue as described.
> Best,
> jerome - ve7ass
> On Wed, 2013-02-13 at 18:57 -0800, jerome schatten wrote:
>> Thanks for the suggestion Bob re: the debugger. I see that gdb is
>> present on the pi and also, I've located Maiko's instructions for using
>> it. I've never used it before, so this will be breaking new ground for
>> me <g>.
>> I didn't think of looking at syslog, I just did a quick look, and I see
>> that there is lots of info there around the crash, hopefully I'll be
>> able to make use of it upon detailed inspection.
>> New tools for an old man.
>> Thanks,
>> jerome 
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