[nos-bbs] WP Bulletins

Andre andre at pe1rdw.demon.nl
Fri Mar 23 13:49:36 EDT 2012

Op 23-3-2012 18:40, Chris Maness schreef:
> I am running wpages kick at 5:00am every morning.  I just had a batch
> of WP Bulls come through :o)  The WP gods are happy.
> I still don't see myself in the DB.  The BBS list is a lot longer than
> the user list.  That seems a bit counter intuitive.  However, it all
> seems to work.  If a bulletin with a BBS user goes through, it is
> thereafter in the WP list.
> Chris
it does make sense tho,
every bbs that has an R: line will get recorded but only every user that 
sends a bulitin or is in a wp report gets recorded.
in tadays network there are probably not that much more users then bbs 

73 Andre PE1RDW

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