[nos-bbs] the NOS PANIC keyboard issue

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Sat Jan 28 09:56:12 EST 2012

I need to know what circumstances everyone has seen this problem
with. I know when you run JNOS in an xterm or similar and you resize
the window, the keyboard process gets in interrupt, which is easy
enough to trap, BUT the problem is the entire curses screen get's
messed up. There are ways to *resize* and make the screen okay
again, which is what I'm looking at (ie, resizable JNOS window),
but that's probably why NOS is allowed to die - it's because
the screen becomes *unusable*.

But I suspect there are other scenarios, can people please give
me a bit more detail as to how and when you are getting the NOS
PANIC messages ?

Much appreciated.

Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM

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