[nos-bbs] Compiling error when trying to build in NNTP support for JNOS

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Mon Feb 27 12:00:39 EST 2012


The default settings are :

/* Use only ONE of the 2 news options: */
#undef NNTP             /* Netnews client */
#undef NNTPS            /* Netnews client and server */

Just change ONE of them to use '#define' instead of '#undef'. The
leading pound (#) character is important as you have discovered.

It's either #undef (meaning don't compile) or #define (meaning compile).

> The default compile does not have NNTP enabled.  How do I enable this
> compile time option?  Sorry, for the ignorance.  There was a script to
> ask what you wanted compiled in for TNOS.

JNOS does not have a script like that.


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