[nos-bbs] Problem attaching tun device

Bob Tenty bobtenty at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 20:18:09 EST 2012

It seems to be integrated in the kernel nowadays.

My tun devices are working and see no tun module in version 11.10 either.
In the very past there was a tun.ko module.
I didn't have a problem with 10.04 and tun as I used it also for openvpn 
for ages
with the stock kernels.

Run the command "tail -f /var/syslog" in one terminal while you 
(re)start jnos in another shell.
You will see an error logged in syslog right away.
Hopefully that will give you a clue.



On 12-02-23 06:19 PM, Michael Curry wrote:
> Hi Maiko,
> Based on the results of quite a bit of googling, I had formed the 
> strong impression that tun support has been built into the kernel 
> since (at least) Ubuntu 10.04, and hence I should expect "lsmod | grep 
> tun" to fail (which it does :-).
> For example, this thread: 
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1459559
> Also, somewhere out on the web (can't find it now, naturally) I found 
> a suggestion to run "dmesg |grep tun" to determine if it's present in 
> the kernel, and this yields two lines that identify the tun device 
> driver's version number (1.6, IIRC) and author (Max somebody). I can 
> post the two lines verbatim when I'm back in front of the machine.
> I dunno, maybe getting these lines out of dmesg isn't really 
> dispositive that the driver is present?
> Thanks,
> M
> Sent from my digital thumb-piano.
> On Feb 23, 2012 12:53 PM, "Maiko Langelaar" <maiko at pcs.mb.ca 
> <mailto:maiko at pcs.mb.ca>> wrote:
>     Is the tun module actually loaded ?
>      lsmod | grep tun
>     Maiko
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