[nos-bbs] jnos smtp question

Glenn Thomas glennt at gbis.com
Sun Jul 10 01:51:56 EDT 2011

Taking a blind stab at it... addresses are usually <userid>@<domain>, 
ie. kd6oat at kd6oat.ampr.org. Subject is a separate field.

Unless you have a user named [subject]???

73 de Glenn wb6w

On 7/8/2011 5:50 PM, kd6oat wrote:
> Hello fellow nos-bbs'rs:
> I'm still reviving my jnos skills and don't recall the answer to this 
> basic question regarding in-coming mail addressed - in this case to 
> [subject]@kd6oat.ampr.org <http://kd6oat.ampr.org>:
> I can see the incoming message being 'held' when I check the tcp status
>                           08d2e2f8     0    33 
> <>    SYN received
> I have the subject listed in the area file as well as a corresponding 
> setting in the rewrite file. But the message doesn't get through to 
> the designated area (subject). What am I missing?
> Thanks for any help.
> Ken - KD6OAT

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