[nos-bbs] Accepting RIP Broadcasts

Charles Hargrove n2nov at n2nov.net
Thu Jan 13 09:45:27 EST 2011

What are the current steps to accepting the mirrorshades RIP broadcasts
on JNOS?  I can see the broadcasts coming through my tun0 interface from
both and addresses.  When I do a route command all
I see is what I have set manually.  And yes, it looks like the IP Encap
problem is solved!  After confirmation of all the various connections
are made, I will detail what has been done with the big help of NI2O.

Charles J. Hargrove - N2NOV
NYC ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Coord.

NYC-ARECS/RACES Net Mon. @ 8:30PM 147.360/107.2 PL
http://www.nyc-arecs.org and http://www.nyc-races.org

NYDXA SWL & Scanner Net Wed. @ 9PM 147.360/107.2 PL

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