[nos-bbs] tun0 and more Linux routing commands

George [ham] VerDuin k8rra at ameritech.net
Mon Feb 14 17:59:30 EST 2011

Interesting question Maiko.

On 02/14/2011 05:09 PM, Maiko Langelaar wrote:
> >>SNIP<<I've never understood this need for ARP that I see so many 
> times. Is this
> something from the old days ? I've never used it. If I am on a 
> particular Winxp on my LAN, I simply do 'route add 
>' on the
> particular PC, and I can telnet, browse, whatever to my JNOS. In the 
> above
> example route, JNOS= and LINUX(running JNOS)=
> Can anyone educate me on why I see so many people putting this arp 
> thing in ? Is there some functionality that I am missing out of this ?
I sorta get the concept of ARP broadcast causing any host listening on 
the LAN to insert the address into its own routing cache for future use 
in routing path decisions at the remote host.  The part that baffles me 
about it's popularity is timing of the action.  Say the remote host 
boots later than the ARP broadcast -- just how does that  remote host 
take benefit from the ARP?  Also -- if routing to jnos stack works for 
hosts booting later than jnos startup then why ARP at all?  I guess I 
could hear from that same expert?

I do like [and use for myself] your solution.  It did not occur to me 
until today that the flags "-host" and "gw" could be dropped.  Thanks.

> Maiko

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